California Lemon Law: Why More Vehicles are Eligible than Ever

California Lemon Law: Why More Vehicles are Eligible than Ever

Introduction In a practical sense, around 5% of automobiles, boats, and motorbikes sold in California are lemons. In the last four years, there have been more than 60,000,000 sold cars in the U.S. In California, more than 150,000 sold vehicles are lemons. But the annual figure of lemon machines is higher than 200,000 that include…

What happens after I win my Lemon Law Case?

What happens after I win my Lemon Law Case?

So you’ve won your Lemon Law case.  Congratulations!  But what can you expect to happen next?  Under California Lemon Law the purchaser of a Lemon has two remedies.   Vehicle Buy-Back Vehicle Replacement In either case, the purchaser of the defective car is also entitled to various damages relating to the vehicle.  You get to choose…