A Comprehensive to the Lamborghini Lemon Law

Presentación de la empresa

One of the most luxurious automakers in the world is Lamborghini. Based in Italy and owned by the Volkswagen Group, this manufacturer is known for its unique, sleek designs and high-performance engine. It originated as a competitor to similar high-performance brands like Ferrari. Still, even the most luxurious cars are susceptible to defects and problems. Lamborghini is known for quality, but that does not mean that it is void of manufacturing issues and defects. When problems arise, they can be dangerous and cause life-threatening injuries or death.
Algunos de los problemas y defectos más comunes son, entre otros:

Los modelos más problemáticos

Claims have been made against the following Lamborghini models:

Sus derechos según la Ley del Limón de California.

If you have taken your Lamborghini to an authorized dealer for repairs, you may be eligible for a replacement or reimbursement of the vehicle purchase under the California Lemon Law (Civ. Code, § 1793.22).

The California Lemon Law applies to all car makes and models sold in California. It covers new and used vehicles as well as purchased or leased vehicles. If your Lamborghini is defective and cannot be corrected in a reasonable manner, you may be eligible for relief under the California Lemon Law.

Ley del Limón de California


Nuestros abogados son autoridades en el área de la Ley del Limón de California, y estamos preparados para ayudarle a obtener alivio de su vehículo defectuoso.

If you believe your Lamborghini is a lemon and want to speak to a lawyer, contact the Alpha Law Firm at (323)51-LEMON (53666).